Customer & Partner Advisory Boards & Communities that create value for you,
your partners & your customers


Just like healthy coral reefs rely on symbiotic, mutualistic relationships, Customer/Partner Advisory Boards and Communities thrive when everyone involved benefits.

Advisory Boards and Communities provide companies greater insight and engagement which allows them to find new opportunities and provide better experiences.

But often they wither because they aren’t established, maintained or measured in a way that delivers value to all parties. Our purpose is to create Advisory Boards and Communities with the right objectives, channels, content, KPIs, governance and feedback loops to benefit you, your partners and your customers.

Check out our latest blogs and other content at the LinkedIn company page.


  • Customer/Partner Advisory Boards

    Advisory Boards of trusted customers or partners, supplemented by external experts as needed, work with a company to develop, test and improve corporate strategies, offerings and programs. The company gains invaluable insight and advice and members benefit by receiving better products and services now and ensuring future needs are met.

    I work with executive teams to set up a program, identify and onboard members, and coordinate and facilitate meetings. A critical stage is the post-meeting planning to review insights and apply them to improve plans, processes, and offerings. This structured approach ensures each Board’s focus aligns to corporate strategy and outcomes are measured.

    With my partners I have a network of experts across industries (inc. government) and business functions to fill any Board skills requirements.

  • Customer/Partner Communities

    Active local Communities are powerful tools for understanding Voice of the Customer, gathering feedback, educating users, supporting partners, and building loyalty and advocacy.

    A program can scale to focus on specific audiences and outcomes and to available support resources. A program may include tactics such as portals, blogs, newsletters, social channels, webinars and events.

    Execution can be managed by internal teams or existing agencies, or I can handle it on your behalf, and local Communities can be aligned to global programs. With my partners I can deliver large-scale, regional programs.

    I also ‘tune up’ existing programs to deliver maximum value.

  • Voice of Customer Programs

    Voice of Customer (VoC) is the heartbeat of any CX program. Many companies gather feedback at various interaction points, but a VoC program gives structure to ensure it’s the right type of feedback at the most critical interactions and matched to operational data to analyse how it actually changes behaviour. Then that analysis is shared with the teams that can use it in action plans. 

    A VoC program can be tailored to focus on the functions that require the most improvement or on particular projects, portfolios or audience groups.

    I'll work with you to tailor a program that can be coordinated on your behalf or managed by internal teams.

  • Transformation Communications

    Technology transformation programs are challenging for everyone involved and impact different audiences in vastly different ways. Ensuring you have employees, partners, customers and other key stakeholders on board is critical to success but requires tailored, consistent and clear communication throughout.

    I work with teams across the business to deliver change communication plans with relevant, understandable and engaging content communicated through the most appropriate channels.

  • Tender/Bid Marcomms Support

    When responding to an important RFP or tender, ensuring messaging and value props are clear, offerings resonate, and competitive advantages stand out will give you the edge.

    I work with your team to define value props, create themes and messaging, develop stakeholder management plans, aid presentation development and delivery, and ensure proposal materials are clear and compelling. 

    I can also coordinate a full marcomms program targeting key stakeholders to increase awareness and understanding of your company.

How Can I Help You?

My professional passion is helping organisations optimise how they engage with customers and stakeholders throughout the customer lifecycle.

I have more than 30 years of global experience in marketing, sales, communications and CX working with industry-leading technology, marketing/communications and financial services companies.

I work mainly with B2B companies to help them:

  • Build and run Customer/Partner Advisory Boards and Communities

  • Create ongoing Voice of Customer programs

  • Deliver compelling responses to major tenders

  • Communicate effectively about IT transformation programs.

Partnerships with large industry groups and marcomms, event and content agencies allow me to support large-scale programs across the region and globally.

Find out more about me and the benefits of having an independent coordinator for Boards and Communities here.

To find out how deeper insight into your customers, stakeholders and markets can improve your business and deliver better customer experiences, check out these resources and get in touch.


Government Advisory Boards &
Sales/Marketing Advisory Services

Advisory Boards & Communities
for High-growth Companies


Global Advisory Board

Global Customer Community